SNSF Politics course for Researchers
Mo., 16. Juni
|Swiss National Science Foundation
This one-day intensive training is designed as a first introduction to the Swiss political system and will provide international researchers with options for contributing to the policy- making process and the public discourse even if they do not speak one of the national languages.
Anmeldung beginnt: 21. Apr. 2025, 08:00

Zeit & Ort
16. Juni 2025, 08:30 – 17:40
Swiss National Science Foundation, Wildhainweg 3, 3001 Bern, Schweiz
Über die Veranstaltung
This course is aimed at researchers (doctoral candidates and above) from all disciplines living in Switzerland. It provides practical knowledge about Swiss politics so that you are not only scientifically competent, but also politically informed to shape changes and institutions that benefit society as a whole. This one-day intensive training is designed as a first introduction to the Swiss political system and will provide international researchers with options for contributing to the policy- making process and the public discourse even if they do not speak one of the national languages.
Participants learn to identify the relevant contacts in parliaments and administrations and to understand where and how they can effectively engage in political affairs. Researchers learn to contextualise their statements in political discourse, assess their public impact and protect themselves from instrumentalisation.
Participants will specifically :
learn the basics of the Swiss political system;
understand the distinct roles of researchers in…
30 MinutenWelcome & Introduction
30 MinutenCase Study Iteration I