10 years – 10 ideas – 100 possibilities to carry on the spark
What should our society look like in 2035?
Which impulses do we need today to shape the Switzerland of tomorrow?
Do you have an idea? ​​
We are looking for sparks that will create a brighter future!
2035 has established itself as the target year for many ambitious global projects – but where do we want to be as Switzerland in 10 years' time? And how can we achieve this?
In 2025, the Reatch ideas competition is coming back with a new, exciting format for the final, which is all about the next 10 years ahead: we are looking for ideas and projects that generate a momentum for the future.
Let's bring society, politics and science together to shape the Switzerland of tomorrow!
Who can participate?

The competition is open to everyone.
Each idea will be evaluated by at least 2 people from the Reatch Committee.
To us, it is important that the idea:
offers something new and surprising
is solution-orientated, future-oriented and feasible
brings science, society and politics together for its implementation
Why should I participate?

The 10 best ideas will be invited to shine at the Finale in Bern on 03.05.2025, receive tips from a jury from politics, the media, science and civil society on how to realise their idea – and win cash prizes.
The selected finalists will receive exclusive pitch coaching before the big event – so that they are well prepared to impress with their idea.

Cash Prizes
At the final, the 10 invited projects have the chance to win the following cash prizes:
1st place: CHF 1000
2nd place: CHF 700
3rd place: CHF 500
In addition, five ideas from the pool of submissions will be honoured with the ‘Project-Boost’ special prize: This two-day workshop in June is completely tailored to the projects and will provide tons of theoretical and practical input to bring them one step closer to realisation.
This prize is awarded independently of the final to the five ideas with the greatest potential to actually be realised.
How can I participate?

Lisa Mazzone
Grüne Schweiz
Après être tombée dans la marmite de la politique en fondant le Parlement des jeunes de Versoix à 18 ans, Lisa Mazzone n’a cessé de s’engager pour une Suisse plus juste et plus verte à tous les échelons. En 2015, elle devient benjamine du Conseil national, avant de rejoindre le Conseil des Etats en 2019, puis de reprendre la présidence des Vert-e-s Suisse en 2024. De formation littéraire, Lisa Mazzone est aussi co-présidente d’Alliance enfance, qui défend les intérêts et droits des enfants en politique, ainsi que de Camarada, qui offre des cours d’alphabétisation et un accompagnement aux femmes migrantes à Genève.

Larissa Bieler

Curdin Duschletta
Head Social Impact & Philantrophy Switzerland, UBS AG
Curdin verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung in den Bereichen Corporate Learning, Talent- und Führungsentwicklung, Kommunikation, Community Impact und Philanthropie. Als Head of Social Impact & Philanthropy Switzerland moderiert er zusammen mit einem engagierten Team das gesellschaftliche Engagement von UBS im Schweizer Heimmarkt und begleitet, berät und unterstützt Kundinnen und Kunden der Bank in allen Bereichen der Philanthropie. Seit Anfangs Jahr ist er zusätzlich verantwortlich fürs globale Volunteering-Programm der Grossbank. Zudem ist er Geschäftsführer der UBS Stiftung für Soziales und Ausbildung und engagiert sich als Dozent sowie in Boards von Bildungsorganisationen, Stiftungen und Sozialunternehmen. Curdin verfügt über das eidgenössische Diplom als Bankfachexperte, Zertifikate in Methodik und Didaktik sowie Bildungsmanagement, einen CAS in Global Social Entrepreneurship der Universität Basel und einen CAS Verwaltungsrat der Hochschule Luzern.

Luciana Vaccaro
Rektorin der HES-SO, Präsidentin swissuniversities
Dr. Luciana Vaccaro studied physics at the University Federico II in Naples, Italy, before earning a doctorate in Microengineering from EPFL in Lausanne. Since October 1st, 2013, she assumes the role of Rector of the HES-SO, where she leads Switzerland's largest university of applied sciences, encompassing over 21,000 students within 28 schools and six fields of study. As of February 1, 2023, Dr. Vaccaro serves as President of swissuniversities, the Rectors' Conference of Swiss Universities. Dr Vaccaro is Italian and Swiss dual citizen, she is married and mother of two daughters.

With the support of