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Supported Innovaton Hub Projects

To effectively bring insights and new ideas from the sciences into political debates, researchers need specific competencies, networks, and visibility. This is precisely what the Franxini Innovation Hub funding program offers.


The supported projects are selected from the annual Reatch Ideas Competition. Within the framework of the Ideas Competition, the Franxini project seeks innovative ideas for the future. Over the past years, we have supported various projects.


Democracy Diagnosis in Switzerland

How can we collectively identify and effectively address challenges of the Swiss democratic system in order to ensure its capacity to face the challenges of the 21st century?


This project aims to develop an innovative process for democratic diagnosis that involves voters, the wider society and relevant stakeholders in a constructive dialogue to identify the important leverage point and key questions. The first step in the coming months will be to look at the relationship between science and politics in the Swiss democratic system.



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Robotic Permaculture

What role can the current developments in robotics and AI have in supporting new land use strategies for food production and forestry in Switzerland?


This project strives to scale permacultures with the help of robotics and AI. Thus producing affordable and nutritious food in a sustainable fashion. The goal is to autonomously turn a previous monoculture into a resilient system of diverse plants, animals, fungi and bacteria. To do this two AIs need to be trained: A generative one to devise the permaculture and an iterative one for operational control while building and maintaining it.



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Al-driven information inequalities in
Switzerland in the context of popular votes

How can science and society collaborate to prevent search engines from potentially providing unequal access to information about popular votes in Switzerland?

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BEready: Bern, get ready for the next pandemic. Together with research, population, and politics

What can we do together to better prepare the Canton of Bern for

the next pandemic?


Victims of sexualized violence in focus

What does the support of victims of sexual violence look like in the cantons? How can we improve the support situation for rape victims nationally or in a selected canton by bringing in expertise from medicine, victim support, and legal sciences?



Algorithmic Bias. Building transparency and equality of opportunity in an algorithmic society.

Do discriminatory algorithmic decision-making systems only reflect what is already there?

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